El Kindi at SIGMOD 2019

El Kindi Rezig

My Erdős number is 3


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I am an Assistant Professor at the Kahlert School of Computing at the University of Utah. Previously, I was a research scientist and a postdoctoral associate at the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) of MIT where I worked with the A.M. Turing Award recipient Michael Stonebraker. I earned my Ph.D. in Computer Science from Purdue University under the supervision of Walid Aref and Mourad Ouzzani. My research interests revolve around data management in general and data quality in particular.

Data scientists spend most of their time doing "grunt" work, i.e., discovering, preparing and cleaning the data. The goal of my research is to build systems that target the main pain points in data science development: Data discovery; Data preparation and Data debugging. In collaboration with industrial parties (e.g., Intel, Massachusetts General Hospital), my systems are motivated by real-world use cases.

Recent News


Arman Ashkari (Ph.D. student)
Mir Mahathir Mohammad (Ph.D. student)
Pavitra Mehra (MS student)
Kutay Eken (MS student)


Conference, demonstration and workshop papers Edited books
El Kindi Rezig , Vijay Gadepally, Timothy G. Mattson, Michael Stonebraker, Tim Kraska, Fusheng Wang, Gang Luo, Jun Kong, Alevtina Dubovitskaya:
Heterogeneous Data Management, Polystores, and Analytics for Healthcare - VLDB Workshops, Poly 2021 and DMAH 2021, Revised Selected Papers. ISSN 0302-9743. To appear.
Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science

Technical Reports Undergraduate Research


Teaching Awards Classes (The University of Utah) Classes (Purdue University)

Recent talks
